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Reviews for Misery to Ministry

An incredible and highly relevant read! ~Gavin

I simply could not put this book down! Mary Sorrendino's memoirs are powerful in every way, and SO worth telling. I am absolutely convinced that this book will positively change the lives of those that choose to read it - and I count myself among them. Speaking personally, this book has afforded me a MUCH greater appreciation for those that struggle with desperately unsupported childhoods and the knock-on effects of that every single day. Having been lucky enough to not experience such troubles firsthand, do I really understand? Of course not -- it would be extremely presumptuous of me to think that I did -- but Misery to Ministry has opened a candid and honest window into the lives of people dealing with these hurdles. And that, I think, will translate into improved tolerance and understanding on my part when it is needed. The book also grants some really interesting insights into how the one's faith might develop over time. I may not share the same beliefs or convictions of the author, but that in no way diminishes the relevance of both the spiritual journey and the support structure that stems from it described herein to any reader. There must be a million autobiographies out there that talk about how struggling individuals found a way to succeed despite their troubled upbringings, so what sets this book apart in my mind? Most memoirs seem ultimately to be centered fully on the individual doing the telling. With "Misery to Ministry" the author is obviously the "common thread" that gives the book its structure, but I have never read a LESS self-centered autobiography! Mary's ability to find success with her academic and career goals is just amazing, yet there is not a single word in the book that comes off as boastful. Sheer honesty and candid thankfulness shine through at every step. For me, the power in this book comes from Mary's approach of reaching out to all those influences in her past -- both positive and negative -- and recognizing the value and effect of each. Incredible stuff! As the blurb on the dust jacket states, these memoirs are written for anyone suffering the same self-loathing and substance-abuse troubles that the author herself worked through, but I think the book's usefulness falls far beyond that initial scope. I maintain that this work is a relevant, eye-opening and positive read for everyone in today's society. I would give it six stars if the rating system allowed it! - Gavin

Powerful and Painfully Honest

A must read for therapists and clients

An unbelievable journey through the insanity of emotional and sexual abuse

To Hell and back. This story articulates the grip that parents (or significant adults) have on our perceptions of self, on others and everything else that we do

A descripton of the creation of pathology from within the victim. A blatantly honest and scary voyage from this misery to serving others with amazing insight, infinite patience and empathy towards their struggles

Highlights and explains the importance of spirituality and our fellow humans in reconnecting to reality and providing the means to overcome such devastating obstacles

A MUST READ, I couldn't put it down

Mary tells a story that many people have lived through, but are afraid to share with others. She puts her life out there to help others heal from their pain and hurt

Barnes & Noble Website Reviews

Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Bridgeport, NY








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